CR Power Responsible Procurement Principles

China Resources Power Holdings Company Limited (hereafter as “CR Power” or “We”) carefully selects suppliers and other business partners based on their foundation and reputation in term of compliance management. We strictly comply with internal policies such as Procurement Center Management Guidelines, Procurement Management Standards, Tender Monitoring Management Standards and sanction for supplier misconduct. Our employees are required to safeguard fairness competition and comply with the recusal and confidentiality rules during the procurement process. We adopt zero tolerance for anti-competitive behaviours such as collusion, bid-rigging, below-cost bids, monopoly, and kickbacks. Besides, we have adopted the Rules for the Periodic Rotation of Procurement Personnel to maintain a fair, impartial and reasonable procurement process. Meanwhile, we avoid any conflicts with CR Power’s values and compliance concept in our partnership with business partners.

The principles apply to China Resources Power Holdings Company Limited and its affiliates.

i) Business Ethics and Conduct

All suppliers and contractors must comply with the Code of Business Conduct regarding anti-corruption, bribery, blackmailing, conflicts of interest and including but not limited to the following:

Do not establish business relationship with the company by providing any gifts and hospitality to company’s employees and their relatives;

Do not negotiate privately or enter a tacit agreement with company’s employees on trade secrets such as base bid, bid document from other parties or terms of contracts;

Do not collude with other bidders and use improper means such as vicious competition in business competitions;

Do not provide employees, their trustees, or agents with benefits, kickback, cash, marketable securities, vouchers, or valuable gifts. Do not provide company’s employees and their relatives with banquet invitation, entertainment, sports, leisure and tourism activities which may hinder them from performing work duties impartially;

Any parties found to have tendency or have committed to bribery to company’s employees should be impeded, criticised and educated;

Company’s employees should reject to accept any bribes and report it to the relevant superiors, Supervision Department, Audit Department if any corrupt behaviours are identified.

ii) Environmental Responsibility

Suppliers and contractors must strictly comply with all applicable environmental laws and regulations and adopt effective environmental policies or relevant measures based on the products and services provided;

Suppliers and contractors must evaluate and monitor the environmental impacts of their businesses, strive to adopt measures to manage their environmental impacts, and continuously improve their environmental performance.

iii) Occupational Health and Safety

Suppliers and contractors must provide employees with a safe working environment, develop an independent safety management system, and adopt effective preventive measures on site to ensure the stable operation of equipment and personal and property safety in line with the “safety first, prevention-focused” approach;

Suppliers and contractors should identify and evaluate potential workplace emergencies and minimize possible impacts by implementing emergency plans and procedures;

Suppliers and contractors must arrange qualified personnel to provide us with products and services under the contract terms and offer them training and safety measures necessary for them to perform the work;

We set up the award of contractor’s environmental, health and safety (EHS) management to encourage contractors to take effective measures for improving their EHS management level and achieving relevant EHS targets.

iv) Employment Practices

Suppliers and contractors must have good employment practices and prohibit the use of forced and child labour;

Suppliers and contractors must reduce, prohibit and prevent all forms of employment discrimination on the grounds of race, gender, colour, nationality, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, illness, marital status or any other status;

Suppliers and contractors must protect the rights of employees in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

v) Complaint Mechanism
We have established the CR Power Tendering and Procurement Projects Complaint Handling Guidelines to improve our supplier complaint mechanism. We have delegated channels to receive and handle grievances and complaints from tenderers during bid invitation, bid evaluation, and bid result announcement to ensure a compliant, fair and efficient complaint handling procedure. All information is kept strictly confidential.

CR Power’s Commitment

CR Power strictly complies with requirement set out by chapter Compliance requirements on business partner in China Resources Group Code of Business Conduct and is committed to:

Strictly follow the principles of openness and transparency to deal with all suppliers and contractors in products and services procurement;

Require all suppliers and contractors to strictly comply with all applicable environmental, social and governance laws and regulations;

Ensure suppliers’ and contractors’ behaviours are in line with the requirements in relation to compliance standards during the process of building relation with them;

In the course of business, continuously raise concerns on suppliers’ and contractors’ moral and behaviour;

In the event of suppliers and contractors being involved in any unethical behaviours or non-compliance, complain and report the case to compliance department.
CR Power Environmental Principles

China Resources Power Holdings Company Limited (hereinafter as “CR Power” or “We”) strictly complies with regulatory requirements and applicable laws and regulations. We support international agreements such as the Paris Agreement and the Convention on Biological Diversity. We formulated internal policies such as CR Power Ecosystem Protection Standards and CR Power Supervision and Management Rules for Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Program, giving full play to our advantages as a power enterprise to develop clean energy and promote circular economy to facilitate green social development. We also aim to achieve harmony with nature and reduce damage to the earth and the environment.


The principles apply to all board of directors, senior managers, and all employees of CR Power and its affiliates regardless of their employment nature, including full-time, part-time or temporary employment.


CR Power strives to achieve long-term improvements in meeting environmental standards, and seeks to minimize the negative impact on the environment as the company grows. To realize this vision, we promise:

Continuously strengthen the organization's awareness of environmental protection;

Implement an environmental management system and monitor environmental performance;

Promote sustainable management and more effective use of natural resources;

Regularly report and consult with stakeholders on environmental issues

Manage regulatory, reputation and market risks related to climate change;

Develop carbon capture technology, manage carbon assets, develop and promote clean energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions;

Manage water risks, reduce water use and strengthen wastewater management;

Responsibly manage waste and reduce hazardous waste;

Avoid operating in areas with the highest biodiversity value and minimize the impact on biodiversity and operational interference;

Properly handle site closure and conduct land reclamation to minimize negative impacts;

Actively and compliantly respond to emergencies, respect local residents and minimize the impact on the community and the environment;

Actively practice green procurement;

Work with external partners to help deliver on promises.

CR Power Human Rights Principles

China Resources Power Holdings Company Limited (hereafter as “CR Power” or “We”) strictly protects human rights of our employees, supports the international human rights protection initiatives and actively extends our commitment to supply chain and other stakeholders in a bid to strengthen the level of human rights protection throughout the value chain.

CR Power agrees with the core principles of human rights set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.  We also requires suppliers to strengthen human rights protection practices to build a responsible value chain. In addition, we commit to continuously reviewing and updating human rights policies and procedures to identify, address and respond to unfavorable impact of human rights risks.


The principles apply to all board of directors, senior managers and employees of CR Power and its affiliates regardless of their employment nature, including full-time, part-time or temporary employment.

i)   Workforce Diversity

CR Power highly values workplace diversity and employee contribution. In terms of recruitment, induction, training, promotion and rewards, we are dedicated to maintaining a workplace that are free from discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, sex, color, nationality, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, illness, marital status or any other status. We are determined to create an equal, harmonious, caring and friendly work environment for all employees. Moreover, discrimination and harassment are strictly prohibited in workplace and any work-related circumstances outside the workplace.

We have comprehensive and confidential reporting mechanisms in place to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of employees in case of any discrimination or harassment identified.

ii)  Collective Bargaining

CR Power respects our employees’ right to associate or not associate with a third-party organization, join, form or not join a labour union in accordance with the local laws.

Employees who have joined a labour union can voluntarily enter into a collective bargaining agreement and seek representation from labour union in their interests.

Employees have the rights to join or form associations that comply with the laws and regulations of the country where we operate.


iii) Freely Chosen Employment

CR Power is committed to ensuring all work is voluntary and preventing the use of forced, bonded or indentured labor, involuntary prison labor, slavery or human trafficking inside our oragnisation and throughout its supply chain.

CR Power operates in full compliance with applicable laws and regulations in relation to minimum wage, working hours, overtime hours and legally mandated benefits. Besides, we strive to provide employees with competitive  remuneration, broader benefits and flexible working arrangements.

CR Power strictly follows the laws and regulations in relation to protection of minors in areas where we operate and prohibits the use of child labor under any circumstances. We do not allow any use of child labor in supply chain. We conduct stringent reviews on the age of employees in recruitment process to eliminate the possibility of hiring child labor at the first stage. 


iv) Freely Chosen Employment

CR Power respects all employees' rights of personal activities, space and information in the workplace (including disclosure and other related decisions that are not controlled by others).

We ensure that the collection, processing, use and elimination of personal information are all work-related. We protect personal information security in all processes and prevent deliberate or unintentional disclosure to others instead of work-related personnel.

We ensure that the used materials containing personal privacy information are archived or destroyed legally.

v) Occupational Health and Safety

CR Power strives to create a workplace by minimising injuries, accidents and health risks, and provide employees with annual health checks to safeguard their health and safety.

We also attach great importance to employee emotional well-being and mental health, thereby helping them better manage workplace stress.

CR Power Code of Business Conduct

China Resources Power Holdings Company Limited (hereinafter as “CR Power” or “We”) strictly complies with regulatory requirements and applicable laws and regulations. We strictly comply with the China Resources Group Code of Business Conduct (hereinafter “Code”) to conduct daily ethical and honest practices. All employees should sign the compliance commitment letter and ensure that the operations are in accordance with the "Code" under any applicable circumstances.


The principles rely on the Code and apply to all board of directors, senior managers, and all employees of CR Power and its affiliates regardless of their employment nature, including full-time, part-time or temporary employment.

Code of Business Conduct

The compliance requirements and responsibilities for violations are listed in “Code”, including anti-monopoly, anti-unfair competition, anti-commercial bribery, gifts and hospitality, facilitation payment or any bribes in communicating with governments and regulators, conflicts of interest, information security and privacy management, in personal and professional relationships in an ethical manner. The specific policy please refer to http://www.crc.com.hk/communication/syxwsz/.